
Generates a graph of the specification space.


provengo analyze [-f pdf] [--highlight path] <path-to-project>


This sub-command generates a graph describing all the scenarios in the specification space defined by the project. It may also highlight a group of scenarios, such as those created by the sample or an ensemble sub-commands. The graph can be in written in JSON, gv (Graphviz' graph description language), or PDF.


-f/--format FORMAT_NAME

Is the output format. This can be json, gv, or pdf. The pdf is often the most convenient during development, but it requires Graphviz to be installed, with dot being in the user’s PATH environment variable. provengo will attempt to open the generated pdf in the system’s default viewer.

--max-depth NUM

Maximum model exploration depth. Nodes/events that are further from the start will not be shown.

-o/--output-file PATH

Path to a directory where the output file should be created.


Path to a file containing runs. This file can be generated, e.g., using the sample or ensemble modes.


Horizontal or vertical graph, the options are: horizontal(left to right), vertical(top to bottom), r-vertical(bottom to top), r-horizontal(right to left).

--style STYLE_NAME

Visualization style. Either raw (no styling), styled, or full. Defaults to styled.

In order to generate PDFs, Graphviz’s dot command has to be in the user’s PATH variable.