Installing the Provengo Tool
is a commandline tool that runs locally. No internet connection is required, no data is stored or transferred to our servers. You can use it in on your local machines, in CI/CD pipelines, and in air-tight isolated systems.
In most cases, the software listed below can be installed using your platform package manager, such as brew on MacOS, apt-get /yum /apk on Linuxes, or winget on Windows.
- Hardware Requirements
As far as minimal system goes,
was successfully tested on an old Windows laptop equipped with an Intel i5 CPU and 4GB of RAM. However, we recommend at least 8GB of RAM. In general, memory requirements will increase with model complexity. - Java 11 or later
Any Java 11 or later works. Adoptium offers a free version.
- Terminal/Command line Application
Provengo tool is run from the command line. The default applications for this kind of access are CMD on windows, and Terminal on MacOS and Linux, but other tools exist too.
- GraphvizOptional
Graphviz is used for generating the test-space charts. It can be downloaded here. Required for visualizations.
- Selenium Server (grid)Optional
Selenium server is used for browser automation. Get it here. Required for browser automation.
Selenium must have at least one driver for a browser in order for it to work. See the "Browsers" section here for details (you’ll have to scroll down quite a bit). |
Provengo’s downloads site contains installation packages for Linux and Windows, as well as files for manual installations. For installer-based installations, follow the instructions on our site. For manual installation, see below.
Manual Installation
From our downloads site:
Download the ProvengoTool jar file. Each file has a version number. e.g.
. It’s probably best to download the latest one. -
Download the appropriate
script (.bat
for Windows,.sh
for Unixes).
Place the script and the jar file in the same directory.
Remove the build number from the jar file name, so it reads
To update the tool when a new version arrives, just change the jar file. |
Do not expand or unzip the .jar file! Some operating systems may try to do this automatically - just cancel the expansion process if it begins. The execution scripts expect the .jar file to be compressed.
Installation Validation
To test your installation, go to the directory and run the script (./
on unixes, provengo.bat
on Windows). You should see the following message, in which the provengo
tool runs, and expects a command.

In order to further validate Grapviz integration, create a new project and visualize it, as shown below.
$ provengo create provengo-test (1)
$ provengo analyze -f pdf provengo-test(2)
1 | Creates a new project called provengo-test in the current directory |
2 | Analyzes and visualizes the project |
After the first command provengo
will ask some quick questions about the new project (just accept the default answers for now). After the second command, you should see a visualization of the new project’s scenario space.
Console Colors on Windows
In order for Windows' CMD to display colors, both following conditions need to be met:
Windows version should be at least 10
There should be a registry key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console] "VirtualTerminalLevel"=dword:00000001
To register this key and value, write the following command in the CMD prompt:
REG ADD HKCU\CONSOLE\ /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
Color prints to the console will become available, starting in the next PowerShell windows opened.